Takumi Stamping - Ohio, North American Headquarters


 MAILING ADDRESS:                           

               TAKUMI STAMPING INC.                   

               8585 SEWARD RD                           

               FAIRFIELD, OHIO 45011

Telephone/Fax Contact:

     Phone: (513) 642-0081

    Fax     : (513) 454-0161

    * Fax Confidential Info: (513) 454-0196



Takumi Stamping is always looking to build good relationships with potential local and worldwide vendors.  We purchase a variety of material from production components to safety equipment.  If you would like to be considered in future purchasing decisions, please contact Purchasing at purchasing@takumistamping.com or by fax at 513-454-0161, or mail information to our address at 8585 Seward Road, Fairfield, OH 45011.  Please do not contact by phone.